Vacuum Cleaners

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One of our aims is to help employers ensure the health and safety of workers in the organisation. So, at Tiger Supplies, you will find a quality range of vacuum cleaners  and dust extractors to prevent serious lung diseases and other medical conditions.

These are some of the effects that dust can have on human health:

  • Respiratory problems and exacerbation of respiratory conditions, such as asthma and pneumonia. Continued exposure to high levels of dust can cause lung cancer in the long term.
  • Skin problems, such as dryness, itchiness, scaling, redness, etc
  • Visual disturbances and eye irritation

The use of dust extractors and vacuum cleaners can lower these dangers as they clean off tiny dust and dirt particles. 

Classes of Dust Extractors

Dust extractors can be classified according to their efficiency extracting different kinds of dust:

  • L Class ≤ 1.0% Dusts with maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) > 1 mg/m³
  • M Class < 0.1% Dusts with maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) ≥ 0.1mg/m³
  • H Class < 0.005% Dusts with maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) < 0.1mg/m³

Characteristics L Class M Class H Class
Maximum Allowable Concentrations of dust particles/ Workplace Exposure Limit > 1 mg/m³ 0.1mg/m³ < 0.1mg/m³
Filtration efficacy 99% 99.9% 99.995%
Filter leakage 1% 0.1% 0.005%
Usage Low or entry-level dust extractors are useful in workshops for removing light hazards, such as particles from softwoods or plaster. Medium extractors are useful for removing dust and particles from hardwoods, concrete, sand and brick.
This class is the minimum standard allowed by the authorities (Health and Safety Regulations) on building sites.
High-class extractors are useful for removing pathogens, dust contaminated with germs and bacteria and highly carcinogenic dust, mould spores, asbestos, etc.

HEPA Filtration

HEPA means a “high-efficiency particulate air” filter. HEPA filters can capture a wide variety of dust and particles, including ce2787e881d2b2d57319ff4f09afd97d

HEPA filters can be found in the filtration systems of several types of vacuum cleaners and dust extractors.

HEPA filtersMicrons SizeEfficiency
H13>0.3Traps more than 99.95%
H14>0.3The highest grade filter on the market that traps more than 99.995%

Our V-TUF selection of dust extractors and vacuum cleaners comprises M-Class and H-Class equipment with H13 and H14 HEPA filters.

A great recommendation is the V-TUF H-Class Midi Vacuum Cleaner which comes as standard with an H14 HEPA filter to guarantee the highest possible percentage of filtration efficiency. Its extraction velocity monitor will ensure your machine is providing the best level of airflow, and an audible alarm will alert you to any potential suction issues or drop in airflow pressure. Its washable filters ensure sustainability and cost efficiency over the lifetime of your equipment.

To care for a vacuum cleaner or dust extractor the HSE recommends you to:

  • Replace disposable filters and wash non-disposable filters regularly.
  • Avoid overloading your vacuum cleaner by emptying the dust collecting bag or container frequently.
  • Train the members of the staff to clean and replace filters correctly to prevent accidents
  • Hire trained professionals to dismantle, clean and reassemble vacuum cleaners.
