Ear Plugs & Dispensers

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Ear plugs are designed to protect the user from extreme frequency noise and prevent hearing loss. They are generally small foam objects used to insert into the entrance of the ear canal.

Ear protection plugs are manufactured using expanding foam to snuggly and securely fit into an ear without falling out.

Damage to the ears often goes unnoticed as it is most commonly cumulative over a period of years due to regular insufficient protection. Therefore, the use of Ear Protection is extremely important to aid the prevention of deafness in later life.

According to the Control of Noise at Work Regulations, employers are required to:

  • Identify the risks and noise hazards at work and conduct health surveillance
  • Take steps to reduce workers’ noise exposure 
  • Provide hearing protection if there is no possibility to reduce noise exposure
  • Make sure that the noise exposure does not exceed the legal limits established
  • Train their employees

Ear Plugs Key Features

Depending on your needs, you can choose between reusable and disposable ear plugs. If you are looking for ear protection for intermittent use, we have banded earplugs, which can be worn under the chin to allow freedom of movement. 

Here are other aspects to consider:

HML Value

HML values indicate the level of sound reduction over thee frequency ranges, H (High), M (Medium), and L (Low).

H (High): between 2000 and 8000Hz

M (Medium): between 1000 and 2000Hz

L (Low): between 63 and 1000Hz


SNR stands for Single Number Rating, which indicates an average value of protection over the relevant frequencies. As an example, an SNR value of 35 absorbs 100 dB and reduces it to 65 dB. See the chart below to identify which SNR-rated product to use for certain decibels.

Noise Level (dB)

Ear Protection SNR

85-90 dB

SNR 20 or less

90-95 dB

SNR 20-30

95-100 dB

SNR 25-35

100-105 dB

SNR 30 or more

Our ear plugs offer maximum protection with SNR values ranging 27-39.


Our Ear Plugs conform to EN 352-2. This standard determines the requirements for ear plugs in terms of design, construction and performance. It also establishes  that ear plugs should meet the specifications for sound attenuation as determined by the EN 24869-1.

This standard addresses ergonomic aspects of the ear plugs taking into account:

  • Wearer
  • Device
  • Working environment
  • The interaction between these three elements

Our ear plugs have been tested for the following properties:

  • Materials and construction
  • Sizing and adjustability
  • Resistance to damage 
  • Minimum attenuation
  • Ignitability


At Tiger Supplies, we offer ear plug dispensers coming with 200- 500 pairs of ear plugs. They can be used standing on even surfaces or can be wall-mounted. Our dispensers have a mechanism that keeps plugs hygienic with every refill. 

Our range of Ear Protection also includes Ear Defenders and Safety Helmet Ear Defenders. Feel free to take a look at our alternative products. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact our sales team. Please call us on 0844 848 3444 or  email us at sales@tiger-supplies.co.uk .
